President’s Message

PRESIDENT Eng. Omar R. Rodríguez González

Omar R. Rodríguez González, PE

Dear fellow Engineers and Surveyors,

Thank you for selecting me as your president for the 2023-2024 working year. As I took the oath for this position, I meditated on the importance that our Chapter has in establishing links between the island and the mainland. The 2021 US Census results showed that on the mainland a total of 5,798,287 persons were reported to be Puerto Ricans. Out of that number, a total of 1,176,465 live in the state of Florida. Compare those two numbers with the 2021 total population of Puerto Rico in 2021 which was estimated at 3,264,000 persons. These numbers confirm that the Exterior Chapter is more than a simple Chapter, is a necessity. 

Based on these numbers I proposed the following work plan:

  1. Create more links among the Puerto Rican professionals located on the mainland.
  2. Make the Chapter more value-driven for the younger professional.
  3. Focus on creating links with the college students on the island and on the mainland. We started last year with the student reception at the ASCE student competition. This year I hope we can continue that activity and add younger engineer’s activities throughout the year.
  4. Expand our activities and services outside of Florida to reach all those members who are in other states.
  5. Creating links with other professional organizations like the Florida Engineering Society.

Finally, I desire to support the growth of the Spouses Club so the CIAPR becomes a whole family organization and not just a technical organization.

Should you have any suggestions or questions on how to make the Chapter better please contact us at

I am hoping to see you all at our events throughout this year, remotely and in person. 


Omar R. Rodríguez González

President 2023-2024

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